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The compass summer camp turned out to be a great week for all involved when they gathered in Saarbrücken.
"Great camp, great location and great players". This is how compass expert coach Evelyn Simon enthusiastically summed up the small but excellent camp that compass held at the Gödöllö Table Tennis Centre in Hungary from 15 to 19 January 2024.
Interview with compass coach Evelyn Simon about her protégé Annett Kaufmann, whose success comes from a mixture of talent, personal growth and a strong support system. With her ultimate goal being the Olympics, she’s on a great path headed there.
Evelyn Simon is a coach at compass and focuses on player’s development in a supportive and peaceful environment. She works with talents like Annett Kaufmann to unlock their potential.
About compass
Talent scouting and development with
COMpetence and PASSion
compass Talents
Today compass supports 20+ table tennis players from 10 countries with the main aim of enabling and empowering them to maximise their potential.
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If you believe in the importance of supporting young talents on the path towards the highest level of professional success, do get in touch!
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The compass summer camp turned out to be a great week for all involved when they gathered in Saarbrücken.
"Great camp, great location and great players". This is how compass expert coach Evelyn Simon enthusiastically summed up the small but excellent camp that compass held at the Gödöllö Table Tennis Centre in Hungary from 15 to 19 January 2024.
Interview with compass coach Evelyn Simon about her protégé Annett Kaufmann, whose success comes from a mixture of talent, personal growth and a strong support system. With her ultimate goal being the Olympics, she’s on a great path headed there.
Evelyn Simon is a coach at compass and focuses on player’s development in a supportive and peaceful environment. She works with talents like Annett Kaufmann to unlock their potential.
About compass
Talent scouting and development with
COMpetence and PASSion
compass Talents
Today compass supports 20+ table tennis players from 10 countries with the main aim of enabling and empowering them to maximise their potential.
Partner with us
If you believe in the importance of supporting young talents on the path towards the highest level of professional success, do get in touch!